
Marine Magnetics

Explorer is the world’s smallest, lightest, and most efficienthigh-sensitivity total-field magnetometer. That’s a lot of punchfor a mag that packs so light.

A 300m Explorer magnetometer with electronics module and sensor configuration comes with:

  • 50m of tow cable

  • Power isolator

  • RS-232 cable

  • 24V universal AC power supply

  • BOB logging and GPS capability software for Windows

  • All enclosed in a custom laminate shipping case.

Explorer and a toothbrush will get you a day’s worth of good data. Ideal for shallow water, Explorer lets you find what you’re looking for – with no restrictions.


SeaSPY is the most reliable magnetometer you’ll ever meet.Unfailing data, durable hardware, and an easy-going disposition make SeaSPY a mag you can count on.

A 1000m SeaSPY magnetometer with electronics module and sensor configuration comes with:

  • 50m of tow cable

  • Isolation transceiver

  • RS-232 cable

  • 24V universal AC power supply

  • BOB logging and GPS capability software for Windows

  • All enclosed in a custom aluminum shipping case

  • Leak detector


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